Where it all began……
EFSA founder Ashanti Branch started the first Ever Forward Club in 2004 at San Lorenzo High School. While teaching mathematics, Branch observed the young men of color in his classes moving backward academically. After inviting a group of these students to have lunch with him once a week to teach him to be a better teacher, these young men began to reveal that being smart was perceived as being “uncool,” and that challenges in their personal life kept them from making school a priority.
Branch decided to serve these young men as a mentor, and launched the first Ever Forward Club as a support program where at-risk young men could gather over lunch in a mentor-led safe environment, process emotions, and sustain each other through their struggles.
First Ever Forward Club, 2004
For a decade, Branch perfected the Ever Forward Club model and expanded slowly to more schools. Seeing the need to reach more schools and students with the tools, support, and structure that EFSA had developed to allow young men a safe place to openly share their emotions and build character, Branch left his job at an Assistant Principal in the Oakland Unified School District in August 2016 to dedicate himself full-time to building out EFSA.
Here we are today
17 years later we have grown, A LOT! We now offer 3 different types of student clubs at multiple schools in the Bay Area. We offer workshops, professional development, and outreach to our surrounding communities, businesses, and families. We’re having a much larger impact on more people, and we’re not stopping there.
We have been featured in award winning films, on national television, and we now are capable of reaching audiences across the globe through our podcasts, products, and initiatives like the Million Mask Movement.
There is now a team and a network of people working diligently to further Ever Forward’s organizational goals and ultimately reach more students, more communities, more hearts, and more minds.
We have no intentions of slowing down
WE are boldly continuing to move Ever Forward.
We couldn’t have done it without YOU!
Countless Donations, Volunteers, Likes, Shares, Views, we appreciate you and could not do what we fo without the continued support of our amazing friends. So please if you haven’t already,