20 years of Transformation and Impact
Together We’VE Empowered thousands of Young Men to Grow & thrive
What began in 2004 as a small group of nine young men in Oakland has grown into a global movement, transforming lives and communities. Through mentorship, emotional literacy, and leadership development, the Ever Forward Club has helped thousands of young men unlock their potential and create lasting change.
This year, we reached new heights:
- The Million Mask Movement expanded to new countries, reaching over 81,000 participants.
- We hosted over 60 young men from across the Bay Area for a transformative day of growth and connection.
- We launched The Brotherhood, a year-long initiative empowering young men with mentorship, leadership training, and emotional growth.
As we celebrate 2024, we acknowledge your generosity fuels this mission—ensuring that young men everywhere have access to the tools, community, and encouragement they need.
About the Ever Forward Club
The Ever Forward Club was founded by Ashanti Branch to address the challenges young men face in navigating life without emotional or academic support. By creating brave spaces for vulnerability and connection, Ever Forward transforms lives and builds future leaders.
Our Mission:
“To address the underlying causes of drop out rates, youth violence, and the growing achievement gap through mentoring and social-emotional development.”
Since its founding, the Ever Forward Club has expanded from local programs in the SF Bay Area to global initiatives like the #MillionMaskMovement, fostering connection and understanding across cultures and generations.
“I had my classmates make masks to remind them that they’re not alone.”
Building Community at our 20th Annual 5K Challenge
Thanks to your support, the Ever Forward Club’s 20th Annual 5K Relay Challenge was a powerful celebration of connection, resilience, and growth. Over 60 participants, including alumni and their families, came together to inspire, lead, and strengthen the Ever Forward community.
Here’s how your generosity made an impact:
Youth Leadership in Action: Current members and alumni led the event, demonstrating the strength, teamwork, and character built through Ever Forward programs.
Multigenerational Connection: Alumni returned with their families, showcasing the lasting bonds and ripple effect of mentorship.
Celebrating Unity: The day brought families, friends, and supporters together for fitness, fun, and community-building, centered around Ever Forward’s mission.
Your contributions make events like this possible, empowering young men to grow as leaders, form meaningful connections, and build a brighter future. Together, we’re creating lasting change!
First Annual Young Men’s Conference: Real-Time Impact
In November, the California Ballroom in Oakland came alive with the energy and enthusiasm of over 60 young men from across the Bay Area for the inaugural Young Men’s Conference, themed “The Power of Vulnerability: UnMask Your Potential.”
Key Highlights:
Participants engaged in emotional literacy workshops, leadership activities, and meaningful discussions.
The day featured dynamic speakers, mentorship opportunities, and community-building events like the exciting ice bath challenge.
Attendees walked away with swag bags, prizes, and a renewed sense of empowerment and purpose.
The conference provided tools for emotional literacy and connection. Superintendents, principals, and educators joined in, fostering collaboration and inspiring deeper systemic change.
Your support makes transformative events like this possible, empowering young men to connect and grow in real time.
Million Mask Movement: Connecting the World Through Vulnerability
The #MillionMaskMovement is at the heart of Ever Forward Club’s mission, empowering individuals to unmask their emotions and create authentic connections. This simple yet powerful activity invites participants to create masks that reveal what they show to the world and what they hide inside.
The Movement has transcended borders, from the United States to South Africa to Serbia to Mexico, Ever Forward’s mission is transforming lives on a global scale, empowering individuals to create safe spaces for deep connection and vulnerability.
Click the sections below to read about our global workshops.
Lebohang, a member of Ever Forward Club’s Advocates for Young Men online community, partnered with the Million Mask Movement to bring its impact to South Africa. At a panel hosted by the Central University of Technology in Welkom, Lebohang introduced the mask activity to an audience of over 40 men and young men.
“The feeling when we read the masks out, the reaction and emotions that follow—it’s in-explainable,” Lebohang shared. “Right there, we can stop everything else on the program and have deep conversations based on what was expressed.”
This moment sparked profound reflection and healing, breaking down emotional barriers and fostering trust among participants. Inspired by these experiences, Lebohang is now planning a transformative camp called “The Cave Experience” to deepen this work and expand its reach in South Africa.
In Serbia, Vladimir, another member of Ever Forward Club’s Advocates for Young Men online community, has led four workshops, reaching nearly 200 young men and women. These sessions created a safe space where participants opened up about deeply personal struggles, including mental health challenges.
During one workshop, five attendees approached Vladimir seeking further support, including therapy resources. One young woman shared, “I’ve been struggling with bulimia and had never told my parents.” Thanks to the space Vladimir created, she is now receiving the help she needs.
Valentin, a young leader and member EFC’s Brotherhood Mentorship program, brought the Million Mask Movement to his high school in Jalisco, Mexico. With mentorship from Ever Forward, Valentin introduced the activity to 17 classmates, sparking honest conversations about mental health and connection.
Some classmates hesitated, feeling embarrassed to share such personal emotions. Valentin ensured anonymity by having students fold their sheets and encouraged participation during breaks between classes. To build excitement, he handed out stickers he designed, explaining, “This is to help recognize your feelings and know you’re not alone.”
Through his determination, Valentin created a ripple of connection and support in his school. His leadership shows how one person, with the right tools and mentorship, can inspire a community to embrace vulnerability.
The Brotherhood - A community for young men, offering mentorship
Sponsor a participant today
The BROTHERHOOD is one of Ever Forward’s transformative programs for young men, offering mentorship, leadership training, and emotional support. Participants build emotional intelligence, form supportive peer connections, and develop skills to thrive in life and academics.
This year, Brotherhood members—Joshua, Wenceslao, Hollis, and Bilal—made a national impact at SXSW EDU. They engaged hundreds in the Million Mask Movement, guiding mask-making activities and sharing personal stories. Joshua helped strangers embrace vulnerability, Wenceslao co-led a youth podcast on emotional literacy, and Hollis and Bilal inspired attendees to connect deeply and share their truths.
The experience transformed them as leaders. For many, it was their first chance to lead beyond their local communities. They returned home with newfound confidence and purpose, bringing the movement to their peers in Oakland Unity High School and Latitude High School, sparking connection and change.
👉 Your support helps young men in the Brotherhood continue to grow as leaders and create lasting change. Sponsor a participant today.
The Ripple Effect: Creating Lasting Change
Ever Forward Club’s work doesn’t stop with the young men in its programs—it spreads outward, creating ripples of change in families, schools, and communities.
Impact Highlights:
Families Reconnect: Parents gain a deeper understanding of their sons through the tools and conversations sparked by Ever Forward programs.
Communities Strengthened: Young men equipped with emotional literacy skills bring vulnerability and leadership back to their peers, inspiring others to step into their authentic selves.
Future Leaders Built: The lessons learned in the Brotherhood, the Youth Leadership Council, and workshops prepare young men for brighter futures, making a tangible difference in their academic, personal, and professional lives.
Take Action Today
As we reflect on a year of growth and success, we also look ahead to what’s next. Your generosity today ensures we can continue to empower young men, expand our programs, and create lasting change in communities around the world.
👉 Donate Now to Transform Lives
Your gift fuels the next generation of leaders, empowering young men to build brighter futures for themselves and their communities.
Every mask taken off, every story shared, and every connection built creates a ripple effect that transforms more than one life—it transforms communities. And that ripple starts with your donation.
How Your Donation Makes a Difference
Your generosity directly supports programs like the Brotherhood, the Million Mask Movement, and our workshops, creating safe spaces and transformative experiences for young men.
Donation Tiers:
$49 or 100 /month: Sponsors 1-2 young men in our year long program The Brotherhood.
$300: Gifts 6 out of 12 months of membership to The Brotherhood young men’s mentorship community.
$600: Gifts a full 12-month membership to a young man in The Brotherhood and supports leadership training sessions.
$1,000: Covers the Stipend of a young man who completed the 5-week SELA - Social Emotional Leadership Academy.
$5,000: Sponsors a large-scale event, like a workshop series or community conference.
Every donation matters. Whether you choose to sponsor one participant or fund a workshop, your support changes lives.